VIRTUAL CAVE-Tests November/December 2002

(click thumbnails for large pictures)

SGI Onyx Reality Engine Shutter Glasses Backstage Walter in the mirror
Driver's seat Juri checking questionnaires Oliver doing adjustments CAVEEE Environment for Engineering and Exploration
Juri at the crossroad Beware of other vehicles! Can be tricky not only in real life: garage parking Seems like rush hour
Here ... ... we are And here ... ... we go

These snapshots were taken in the course of test sessions at Fraunhofer-IAO (Institut Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation). This just gives you some impressions of the VIRTUAL-CAVE-integration done by Oliver and Patrick. The 4-wall CAVEEE was choosen as an example of CAVE-technology. IAO also has a very fine more advanced 6-wall CAVE (HyPI-6), but it is always fully booked and we wanted a place where we could test undisturbed. Every single 'incarnation' of the VIRTUAL system has its advantages and disadvantages, its does and don'ts. As you can see, the big field of view in the CAVE is one major advantage of the CAVE version. Simulator sickness symptoms are also very rare in this environment.

Roy Dymott (Lough), Patrick Lemoine (EPFL), Walter Piechulla (URE), Oliver Stefani (IAO), Juri Wakula (IAD), Mihaela Williams (IAD), 2002.

More information about project VIRTUAL

Video introduction (RealVideo, powered by Regensburg University)

The same video introduction powered by YouTube:

And - finally - a short CAVE-test clip (silent movie):